MEZIPATRA: Who I am not
(Roumanie, Canada, 2023, 105 min)De Tünde Skovrán
En anglais, sepedi, ndebele, sesotho, setswana, zulu sous-titré en tchèque et anglais
L'influenceuse Sharon, finaliste de Miss Afrique du Sud, et l'activiste Dimakatso sont tous deux non-binaires. Malgré leurs différences, ils partagent un même combat et une même histoire, celle de l'intersexualité. Suivez ces protagonistes en pleine quête d'identité.
What makes a man and what makes a woman? Where do society and biology draw the line, and how do people born directly on this line fit in the binary world? Influencer Sharon is the Miss South Africa finalist, and Dimakatso is a non-binary activist. Although they are complete opposites, they share the one label of intersexuality, together with 150 million other people. The quest to find one’s identity and place in the world will take us to a genetics specialist, shamanic rituals and emotional interviews with current and potential members of this family. But the main message of the movie remains: you are that kind of human as only you can define yourself, and nobody else has any say. The documentary was created thanks to the close cooperation of the director with the two protagonists
and will surprise you with its utter mutual trust and honesty on a topic otherwise quite overlooked. The film has won many awards at major festivals – at Docs Barcelona, in Krakow, at Doc Edge in New Zealand, and as many as three awards in Thessaloniki.
Tünde Skovrán
Tünde, née en Roumanie, a joué dans de nombreuses pièces de théâtre et de films, tant dans son pays de naissance, où elle a été nominée pour le prestigieux prix UNITER, qu'aux États-Unis, où elle s'est installée et a fondé J.U.S.T. Toys, une compagnie de production de théâtre expérimental. Le documentaire Who I Am Not a été présenté pour la première fois au festival SXSW au Texas et constitue le premier long métrage de Tünde.
Tünde was born in Romania and her major focus is acting. She has played in many theatre performances and films both in Romania, where she was nominated for the prestigious UNITER theatre award, and in Los Angeles, where she’s moved and founded J.U.S.T. Toys, an experimental theatre production company. The Who I Am Not documentary premiered at the SXSW festival in Texas and is Tünde’s feature-length directing debut.