MEZIPATRA | Fragments of a Life Loved


MEZIPATRA | Fragments of a Life Loved
(2023, 95 min)

De Chloé Barreau

Avec Anna Mouglalis, Rebecca Zlotowski, Anne Berest


En français et italien sous-titré en tchèque et anglais


10. 11. 20:00
160 Kč

Fragments of a Life Loved, réalisé par Chloé Barreau, est un documentaire intime qui explore les souvenirs d'une relation amoureuse à travers des fragments de la vie quotidienne. Le film, tissé de moments partagés, de lettres et d'images d'archives personnelles, retrace l'évolution d'une histoire d'amour avec ses hauts et ses bas. En s'attardant sur les détails infimes qui composent une vie à deux, Barreau capture la fragilité et la beauté des sentiments humains, et interroge le passage du temps et la mémoire affective.

If you wanted to tell the story of your love life, how would you do it? Chloé Barreau might be the director of this film about her life, but lets her ex-lovers take the floor and tell the tale. In interviews, she did not conduct herself. The unusual narrative form not only composes the picture of many passionate relationships, broken hearts, unfulfilled desires and happy days, but it also creates a universal novel about love. The heartfelt, funny and sometimes almost unbelievable snippets of the past are complemented by Chloé’s vast archives which bring the history to life. Eight women and four men accompany Chloé from her student years in France to her departure to Rome and Barcelona, and back again. Sometimes she’s devoted, sometimes fickle, but always loving. This formally unique and unusually honest documentary has traveled to major festivals worldwide – for example, Venice, Hot Docs and Frameline.