French cinema online during the Christmas holidays
Enjoy films for free on IFcinéma
While Kino 35 closes its doors from December 16th, for the Christmas holidays, the IFcinéma platform allows you to continue to enjoy the best of French cinema from your home! Until December 31st, we offer you a range of films for the entire family, available for individual viewing in streaming for free without registration. Go here !
The proposed movies are:
- My family and the wolf, by Adria Garcia
France / 2018 / Fiction
By Adria Garcia / WithCarmen Maura, Enzo Ingignoli, Pierre Rochefort, Bruno Salomone
In French / Subtitles in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Vietnamese
The summer of his 9th birthday, Hugo spends the summer vacations with his cousins at his grandmother Sara's house. When they learn that the wolf is coming to get her, the children mobilize to save their grandmother and embark on an unforgettable adventure.
• Damien wants to change the world, by Xavier de Choudens
France / 2018 / Fiction
By Xavier De Choudens / With Franck Gastambide, Gringe, Melisa Sözen, Camille Lellouche, Rovère Liliane, Patrick Chesnais
In French / Subtitles in English, Bosnian, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian
Damien and his sister Melanie had a happy childhood, shaped by their parents' activism. When their mother passed away, the family's militant spirit died out. Twenty years later, Damien has become an educator in an elementary school. To save one of his students from an imminent expulsion, Damien reconnects with his past and convinces his sister and friends to accompany him in his new fight. Together, they will break the law out of solidarity. And very quickly they are overtaken...