Money's Money
(Francie, 2017, 90 min)Režie: Gela Babluani
Hrají: Avec Benoît Magimel, Olivier Rabourdin, Vincent Rottiers, Féodor Atkine, Georges Babluani, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Anouk Grinberg
Projekce filmu za přítomnosti režiséra.
Organizováno za spolupráce s Velvyslanectvím Gruzie v Praze.
When every player in the game is amoral, follows no rules, and will do anything to win, what outcome can you expect? After a blackmailed police official accepts a cash bribe to smuggle cocaine, he is followed home by Alex, a young woman who saw the transaction. Enlisting her brother and his friend, they break into the house and flee with the cash, but not before witnessing a bizarre event. As they celebrate their success, waters deeper and darker than they can imagine are rising around them. MONEY’S MONEY is a sleek and stylish noir thriller that sweeps this unlucky trio along on a grim tide of escalating events. It rapidly becomes a nightmare of greed, betrayal, hostages, and murder. Ruthless new players enter as others exit suddenly and violently. At the end of it all is the money, to which loyalty and humanity are secondary. MONEY’S MONEY will have you in its steel grip until the game’s deadly and unexpected end.