MEZIPATRA | Narrow Path to Happiness


MEZIPATRA | Narrow Path to Happiness
(Hongrie, États-Unis, 2023, 83 min)

De Kata Oláh

Avec Gergő Gagyi, Lénárd Váradi


En hongrois sous-titré en tchèque et anglais


9. 11. 20:00
160 Kč

Gergő et Lenárd forment un jeune couple homosexuel vivant dans une communauté rom isolée, dans la région la plus pauvre de Hongrie, où l'homosexualité est considérée comme un péché impardonnable. Malgré cela, ils rêvent de réaliser une comédie musicale sur leur vie et de devenir célèbres.

Gergo and Lenard live in a small Roma village in the poorest part of Hungary. Although living as a couple in a conservative and intolerant community is tough, the men never lose their optimism. They believe everything will get better when they launch their musical inspired by their own love. To follow their dream, they move to Budapest, where they have to start from scratch. All the challenges of finding housing, work, and breaking into the art scene cannot disrupt the protagonists’ faith in their success. Because their confidence stems from love – which conquers all! Documentary Narrow Path to Happiness is much more than just a portrait of a young couple. It shows minority stress in a homophobic society, and an inspirational pursuit of a big – although maybe a bit naive – dream. Maybe their musical will really change the world for the better.