Echo d'Anifilm 2024 : Films gagnants
(2023,2024, 90 min)Tous les courts métrages gagnants
En diverses langues sous-titré en anglais et tchèque
Les films gagnants du festival Anifilm de cette année présentent une sélection du meilleur de l'animation tchèque et internationale !
Hilgeum: Illusion / Jin Woo / South Korea / 2023 / 5 mn
This suggestive and strongly graphic music video for Illusion was made by a young animator commuting between Korea and Poland. Jin Woo works with a limited colour pallet and mostly dark tones and creates an obscure world where it is unclear whether strange things are happening inside or outside the observer’s head.
Right in the Eyes of the Mirror (LES YEUX FIXES DU MIROIR) / Mélusine Peduzzi / France / 2023 / 8 mn
Beneath the skeleton, the flesh that rustles, turns and returns to our heads before rotting in silence. This is the story of this flesh. This surrealist narrative draws us into a darkened world of the unconscious. No matter how bizarre the spectacles we watch are, thanks to superb animation they flow smoothly and surely.
Wander to Wonder / Nina Gantz / Netherlands, Belgium, France / 2023 / 13 mn
Mary, Billybud and Fumbleton are three miniature human actors who perform in an eighties kids TV series called Wander to Wonder. After the creator of the series dies, they are left alone in the studio. With their slowly decaying costumes and growing hunger, they continue to make increasingly strange episodes for their fans.
The Eastern Rain / Milly Yencken / Estonia / 2023 / 9mn
This poetic film combines the lyrical effect of traditional animation techniques such as drawing on paper and painting on glass with the mysterious and disturbing atmosphere of the portrayed places and scenes. A carefully chosen colour palette enhances the unique visual experience from a strangely familiar yet geographically unspecified setting.
Vonfelt: Je Pars / Michelle Brand / Germany, France / 2023 / 3mn
As the night comes, the journey begins. Running, rushing, racing. Unbound from time and swept away by the night’s surreal cascade of lights, we leave the day life behind. The director skilfully managed to depict the magical atmosphere of a city at night.
Children of the Bird / Júlia Tudisco / Hungary / 2024 / 11mn
A picturesquely colourful fictional mythological film full of visual ideals about the birth and death of our planet. The story is seen through the eyes of two naive god figures – a wild girl who has the power of creation and a shy boy who has the power of destruction. This is not a fight between ‘good’ and ‘evil’ but a game between two equal parts to find harmony.
Crypto(zoïque) / Côme Lorans / France / 2023 / 9mn
Crypto(zoïque) shows the crossing of a celestial object. It’s an immersive journey in the heart of matter, from a macroscopic to a microscopic scale. This probe is formally stylised as a disturbing sci-fi film and the selected soundtrack underscores it. With its approach to the object’s surface, the film transforms into a fantastic nature documentary.
Winter / Tomek Popakul, Kasumi Ozeki / Poland / 2023 / 26mn
It grows as slowly as an icicle, but one day it drops and crashes. Anka loves cats. And Jesus. In a winter silence the lagoon freezes and the unspoken resurfaces like a crack on ice. Mosaic portrait of a small fisherman’s village where human to human, human to animal, animal to animal interdepend on a delicate balance of warm tender care and cold emotional cruelty. An eerie story of loneliness.