(États-Unis, 2017, 72 min)De Robin Berghaus
Festival Mezipatra
In 2011, Will Lautzenheser suffered a severe bacterial infection. When his organs gradually ceased functioning, the doctors had only one radical option left. In order to save Will´s life, they had to amputate all four of his limbs. The passionate filmmaker and university teacher thus faces an onerous challenge. He decides to deal with it in a completely unexpected way – he transforms his feelings into stand-up comedy
material for his show. Will finds humour an effective weapon to battle the darkness, and it accompanies him during rehabilitations when even the simplest daily tasks can be insurmountable, or when he must swallow his pride and utterly rely on his life partner, Angel. Yet when Will is selected as a candidate suitable for an experimental treatment, his humour faces a completely different test: he might be the very first patient in the world to receive a double arm transplant. Stumped is a celebration of human will, intertwined with just as powerful story of one real love.
material for his show. Will finds humour an effective weapon to battle the darkness, and it accompanies him during rehabilitations when even the simplest daily tasks can be insurmountable, or when he must swallow his pride and utterly rely on his life partner, Angel. Yet when Will is selected as a candidate suitable for an experimental treatment, his humour faces a completely different test: he might be the very first patient in the world to receive a double arm transplant. Stumped is a celebration of human will, intertwined with just as powerful story of one real love.